Teradata Global Privacy Policy

Exercise Your Rights



You have the right to:

  • be informed of how we Use your PII, including categories to be collected and the purposes it shall be Used for. This right has been met by providing you with this Privacy Policy;
  • request access to/disclosure of any PII we have collected about you, and to request information about the purposes of the processing, the categories of PII concerned, the categories of sources of the PII, the recipients/third parties, if any, to whom the PII has been or will be disclosed and the categories that will be disclosed to such recipients/third parties, and the envisaged period for which the PII will be stored;
  • request erasure of PII without undue delay. Teradata may satisfy such requests by anonymisation and/or pseudonymisation where it is not reasonably viable to achieve absolute deletion;
  • a copy of your PII undergoing processing, as long as that does not adversely affect the rights and freedoms of others.
  • if you are in the EEA, ask to have inaccurate data held about you rectified without undue delay. Please notify us if your personal details change or if you become aware of any inaccuracies in the PII we hold about you;
  • if you are in the EEA, restrict data processing where you contest the accuracy of the PII, the processing is unlawful but you oppose the erasure of the data, the controller no longer needs the PII but you require us to retain it in relation to legal claims in which you are involved, or where you have objected to processing pending verification of whether legitimate grounds of the data controller override yours as the data subject; Where permitted by, and at all times to the standard required by applicable law, Teradata may satisfy such requests by anonymisation/de-identification and/or pseudonymisation;
  • if you are in the EEA, not to be subject to any material decision that significantly and adversely affects you being taken by or mandated for us solely by a computer or other automated process. Should you believe that a material decision that significantly and adversely affects you has been taken by or mandated for us solely by a computer or other automated process, please let us know through one of the channels set forth in the “Contact Us” section of this Privacy Policy and we then will review, assess and respond with respect to such through human engagement,
  • if you are in the EEA, object to the processing of your PII;
  • if you are in the EEA, request data portability;

Requests made under the CCPA are restricted to PII collected in the 12-month period preceding Teradata’s receipt of a verifiable request and shall be administered subject to the frequencies and other provisions stated in the CCPA.  You shall not receive discriminatory treatment if you exercise your rights as set out in this Privacy Policy. You may designate an authorized agent to make your request on your behalf under the CCPA, and provided you have verified, to Teradata’s satisfaction, the authenticity and authority of any such agent, the agent may make requests under the CCPA following the process set out in the “General Information” section above. 

All the above global rights are exercisable to the extent as may be limited, excused,  prohibited or otherwise provided, by applicable law and associated remedies in the relevant country.


If you consider that Teradata has not handled your PII in accordance with the requirements of this Privacy Policy and applicable laws, then please contact us by the appropriate means identified in the “Contact Us” section above. Any alleged breach will be taken seriously. In the EEA and some other countries, you also have the right to lodge a complaint directly with the supervisory authority for privacy in your country.



Where Teradata handles recruitment directly with you as a candidate (including also when you are referred to us by others), it may do so via various means, including the use of suppliers who collect your PII and transfer it to Teradata and including the use of third party technology. In such situations, Teradata Corporation or the Teradata subsidiary to which you have provided your PII is the data controller of your PII, and will process PII (which may be held on paper, electronically, or otherwise) about you for the specific and explicit purposes set out below. We recognise the need to treat your PII in an appropriate and lawful manner, in accordance with this Privacy Policy and all applicable laws.

Teradata may also process your PII that we obtain from social media sites and we may use that PII to contact you in relation to specific job opportunities at Teradata and then to progress any job application you may make to us.

Although our recruitment activities are typically managed in-house, Teradata may elect to use external organisations to manage our recruitment activities for us. In such a case, such an external organisation would be the data controller of your PII, and you should check you agree to with its privacy policy/notice before you submitted any PII to it. If used, such external companies might share PII with Teradata for the purposes specified in this Privacy Policy.

The Type of PII We Hold About You

We will collect, store and use the following categories of PII about you:

  • Personal contact details such as name, title, addresses, telephone numbers, and personal email addresses
  • Any data you include within your resume when applying to a position via the career site
  • Email address
  • Phone number
  • LinkedIn profile
  • Public social media profiles (LinkedIn, Facebook profile, Xing, etc.)
  • Start date, if an offer is extended
  • Location of employment or workplace, if an offer is extended
  • Copy of driving license, if background check conducted (sales only)
  • Recruitment information (including copies of education/qualifications, right to work documentation, references and other information included in a CV or cover letter or as part of the application process)
  • Employment records (including job titles, work history, working hours, training records and professional memberships)
  • Compensation history
  • Photograph(s)

We may also collect, store and use the following "special categories" of more sensitive personal information: information about criminal convictions and offences, if a background check is sourced from, and provided by, an authorised background check provider

How We Will Use Information About You

We will process PII about job applicants to help us decide whether to offer you employment or other working position at Teradata, for legal, personnel, administrative and management purposes and to enable us to meet our legal and contractual obligations as a potential employer, for example to conduct background and pre-employment screening checks. We may use PII you voluntarily disclose in connection with compiling government and government-contracting labor statistics.

We will only process your PII where you have given your consent or where the processing is necessary for the performance and efficient administration of your application for employment with Teradata, or where the processing is necessary to comply with our legal obligations. In other cases, we may process your PII where such processing is necessary for the protection of your vital interests, for our other legitimate interests as a potential employer or the legitimate interests of others.

We will only process special categories of PII for example about criminal proceedings or convictions, if you have given your explicit consent, or where the processing is necessary so that we can carry out our obligations, and exercise our rights, in relation to your application for employment or for the protection of your vital interests.

Recipients of your PII

The following categories of recipients/service providers may collect and/or receive your PII: our affiliates, subsidiaries, enterprise hiring management providers, recruiting advisors, outsourced talent acquisition providers, pre-employment screening and background check providers (including, without limitation, government authorities such as the police and taxation office), pension providers, pension trustees and their legal and financial advisors, health insurance providers, life assurance providers, other insurance/benefits providers, payroll processors, governmental authorities associated with the administration of your employment, car providers, and equity program providers.  To the extent these recipients are outside of the European Economic Area (EEA), Teradata has contractual arrangements in place with the recipients and/or has relied upon appropriate safeguards.  You may obtain a copy of these agreements by contacting the Data Protection Officer. Applicant Information is collected in the country where contact for the position is located, in the U.S. in a central HR information repository and at various applicable app cloud facilities/servers. And service providers, as well as other third parties such as background-screening organizations solely for the purposes described above. Applicant Information is retained according to applicable laws and will be deleted or destroyed as required by applicable law.

Period of Storage

Your PII will be stored at minimum until completion of your job application process. In case your application is unsuccessful, we will store your data for a period which we consider it likely that we may want to contact you again to invite you for an application. Data will be destroyed, erased, or pseudo/anonymised from or in our systems when it is no longer required.


As your employer, Teradata Corporation is the controller of your PII that is provided, stored, processed or otherwise used by or for Teradata, and this means we are responsible for deciding how we hold and use personal information about you. We will process PII (which may be held on paper, electronically, or otherwise) about you for the specific and explicit purposes set out in this Privacy Policy. We recognise the need to treat your PII in an appropriate and lawful manner, in accordance with this Privacy Policy and all applicable laws.

The Type of PII We Hold About You

We will collect, store and use some or all of the following categories or PII about you: 

  • Personal contact details such as name, title, addresses, telephone numbers, and personal email addresses
  • Date of birth
  • Gender
  • Marital status and dependants
  • Next of kin and emergency contact information
  • National Insurance number/Social Security number/tax identification number
  • Passport details
  • Bank account details, payroll records and tax status information
  • Salary, annual leave, pension and benefits information
  • Start date
  • Location of employment or workplace
  • Drivers Licence/Copy of driving licence
  • Recruitment information (including copies of CV/resume, education/qualifications, right to work documentation, references and other information included in a CV/resume or cover letter or as part of the application process)
  • Employment records (including job titles, work history, working hours, training records and professional memberships)
  • Compensation history
  • Performance/evaluation information
  • Information related to/generated in the course of the performance of your job, including without limitation in your emails, laptop files, and your calendar data relating to sales motions and meeting schedules and connected metadata such as, but not limited to, log files and time stamps
  • Disciplinary and grievance information
  • CCTV footage and other video and audio information obtained through electronic means such as swipecard records, and call recordings
  • Information about, and included in, your use of our information and communications systems 
  • Photograph(s)

We may also collect, store and use some of the following “special categories” of PII:

  • Trade union membership
  • Information about your health, including any medical condition, health and sickness records
  • Information about criminal convictions and offences, if a background check is sourced from, and provided by, an authorised background check provider
  • Information about your race or ethnicity, religious beliefs, sexual orientation and political opinions

How We Will Use Information About You

We will only process your PII where the processing is necessary for the performance and efficient administration and management of your employment contract/relationship with Teradata and to enable us to meet our legal obligations as an employer, for example to pay you, monitor, evaluate and manage your performance and salary, and to administer and confer benefits in connection with your employment. In other cases, we may process your PII where such processing is necessary for the general conduct, promotion, execution, forecasting, revenue modelling and improvement of Teradata’s business of marketing/selling hardware, software and services, for the performance of contracts with our customers, partners and prospects (this may include transfer of information about your education, professional skills, work history and CV/resume), for the protection of your vital interests, for our other legitimate interests as an employer and a provider of technology products and services, and to comply with our legal obligations as an employer or the legitimate interests of others.

We will process “sensitive PII” relating to employees where you have given your consent or where it is necessary so that we can carry out our obligations, and exercise our rights, in relation your employment or other working agreement or for the protection of your vital interests. This may include for example: information about an employee’s physical or mental health or condition in order to monitor sick leave and take decisions as to the employee’s fitness for work; the employee’s racial or ethnic origin or religious or similar information in order to monitor compliance with equal opportunities legislation; and in order to comply with legal requirements and obligations to third parties.

Employees should note that, when they choose to participate in on-line chat and internal community collaboration/blogging tools, then what they post will be visible to any employee (or contractor with access rights) of Teradata worldwide. Employees should also note that tools and networks provided by Teradata for the performance by employees of their jobs (including but not limited to company-provided laptops and mobile phones, data networks and email servers) may be accessed by appropriate Teradata personnel, at all times in compliance with applicable laws.  Except as set out in this Privacy Policy, Employees should have no general expectation of privacy. If employees do not accept the public nature of these tools and networks, they must refrain from using them. Employees must never post any type of offensive material.

Recipients of your PII

The following categories of recipients will receive your PII: our third-party enterprise system management and technology provider(s), pension/401K providers, pension trustees and their legal and financial advisors, health insurance providers, life assurance providers, other insurance and benefit providers, payroll processors, governmental authorities associated with the administration of your employment, car providers, equity program providers, customers, prospects and partners.  All recipients are required to take appropriate security measures to protect your PII. To the extent these recipients are outside of the European Economic Area (EEA), Teradata has contractual arrangements in place with the recipients and/or has relied upon appropriate safeguards. 

Period of Storage

We, and any third parties we use, will not keep your PII for longer than necessary for the purposes specified above.  The criteria used to determine that period are the duration of your employment relationship, the duration of the provision of the benefits associated with your employment and the duration of Teradata’s legal, contractual, accounting and reporting obligations that relate to your employment.  Data will be destroyed, erased, or pseudo/anonymised from or in our systems when it is no longer required.


Marketing is important to allow Teradata to efficiently address the markets it serves.

The Type of PII We Hold About You

We may collect, store and use some or all of the following categories of PII about you:

  • Personal contact details such as name, title, addresses, telephone numbers, and personal email addresses
  • Date of birth
  • Gender
  • Location of employment or workplace
  • IP Address
  • Geolocation of web browsing
  • information regarding your current and future objectives or preferences to help us understand how we may be of service to you
  • information in emails and other communications you exchange with Teradata and its personnel related to Teradata’s business activities
  • your operating environment to accurately present solutions and capabilities;

PII may be collected and Used by your personal contacts at Teradata, such as account managers or marketing personnel.

PII will also be collected and Used when you submit such PII to Teradata, for example via website form submissions and subscriptions, online forums, such as user groups, bulletin boards, surveys, questionnaires and polls, via live or online events, such as training seminars or conferences, including third-party events sponsored or hosted by Teradata, and through the use of registration, subscription, application download, apps, permission-grant, opt-in and log-on (“Register”) procedures, as well as cookies, flash cookies, web beacons and other online technology and marketing tools.

We may further collect log-on/Register information, such as user names of Customer/Partner Constituents who log-on to solutions we host for our Customers or who access online service-related portions of or portals through our Sites.

PII also is collected when you Register or contact us to request or subscribe to newsletters, white papers, events, seminars, user groups, conferences, webcasts, webinars, blogs, wikis, training programs, discounts, coupons or other events or offers, services or forums we might provide, when you provide us with other information in an online or paper form, or when you contact us by e-mail, social media post, paper correspondence, telephone or other means. We also collect PII when you choose to participate in special offers, surveys, questionnaires, polls or contests that we conduct or sponsor.

In these situations, Teradata Corporation is the controller of your PII, and this means we are responsible for deciding how we hold and use personal information about you. We will process PII (which may be held on paper, electronically, or otherwise) about you for the specific and explicit purposes set out in this Privacy Policy. We recognise the need to treat your PII in an appropriate and lawful manner all applicable laws.  We may also obtain and process such PII about you from a third party, including social media sites, or if it is otherwise in the public domain.

We will only collect, store and use PII about your private life (such as marital status and dependants, preferred hobbies, and sports teams you support) if you yourself have elected to provide it to us.

How We Will Use Information About You

We will usually only process your PII where you have given your consent or where we have a legitimate interest to process your PII - in the context of marketing activities, this is the performance and efficient administration of the relationship we have with you or your employer or the party with whom you have a worker contract, who is our customer or customer prospect, to help us sell and optimise our sales/revenue forecasting activities and models and to keep you informed about our products and services or events, and otherwise perform marketing activities, including direct marketing and behavioral marketing and advertising and personalized web experiences, to serve you better, and to maintain open communications with you.

Other referral-related information we collect: Certain communications and forums we operate in connection with our Sites and business, or we host or process for our Customers or Partners, may include the ability for you to “refer a friend” or “forward to a friend”, or provide a testimonial (collectively, a “Referral”). You must not make a Referral that discloses PII or confidential information you do not have the legal right to share with us; where consent from the referred-person is required by law or through a contractual obligation you have, then you are responsible for obtaining that consent before you provide the Referral. If you make such a Referral, we may track that you made the Referral and share the information that you made the Referral with the referred-person or referred-party.

In other cases, we may process your PII to comply with our legal obligations or the legitimate interests of others.  Please note that if you elect to provide us with information relating to your personal life, we may process that data, store it in our databases and use it to market our products and services to you. We will never disclose such personal information to third parties without your consent.

Recipients of your PII

The following categories of recipients may receive your PII: our enterprise customer relationship management and marketing automation tools providers and other technology providers from time to time, including but not limited to our Salesforce and Transcend databases and systems, and our employees and contractors who are associated with the administration of your employer’s account with Teradata.  To the extent these recipients are outside of the European Economic Area (EEA), Teradata has contractual arrangements in place with the recipients and/or has relied upon appropriate safeguards.

Please note that the use of chatbot technology on our website(s) to optimize user experience/deliver personalized content will result in your IP address and any other PII you supply being collected directly by our 3rd party supplier and its subprocessors, but only for the purpose of providing its service to Teradata. We can supply names of supplier/subprocessors on request.

Period of Storage

We, and any third parties we use, will not keep your PII for longer than necessary for the purposes specified above.  The criteria used to determine that period are the duration of your tenure with our customer or customer prospect and the duration of Teradata’s legal and contractual obligations and potential business relationship with our customers and customer prospects.  Data will be destroyed, erased, or pseudo/anonymised from or in our systems when it is no longer required.


We, or third parties who administer on our behalf, may also collect PII of persons (usually limited to name, job title, contact details and, where applicable, university affiliation, education course enrolment and performance details) when:

  • we respond to your requests for example: to process orders and processing downloads for product demonstration or evaluation;
  • you log on to our networking sites, such as Peer Advantage, enrol in our customer or partner education or certification courses, for example via Teradata University/Teradata University for Academics or our Teradata Certified Professional Program, or via our customer education team; We will only use your PII for the purposes of administering such activities and recommending other education/certification courses or events and networking opportunities we believe you may be interested in, or as otherwise stated on any form/log-in credentials you may at the time complete and submit; we may also share data with your management;
  • we maintain or upgrade a system - our technical staff may require periodic access to services data to monitor system performance, test systems, run support diagnostics, verify configurations and usage levels, and develop and implement updates, upgrades and patches to systems; when you submit incidents via our customer services incident reporting portal, currently called Teradata@YourService;
  • providing technical support including, to address performance and fix issues; on occasion, we may develop new versions, patches, updates, and other fixes to our programs and services, such as security patches addressing newly discovered vulnerabilities, in which cases, in accordance with the terms of a Customer contract or order for such, we may remotely access a user’s computer, as permitted under the terms of an applicable contract, to troubleshoot a performance issue, and we also may use such information to provide product updates and notices;
  • you log on (for example as an authorised representative/administrator of our customers or partners) to any environments we may host for our customers, such as Cloud/data centre-hosted environments; 
  • we meet legal requirements. We may be required to provide certain PII to comply with legally-mandated reporting, disclosure, or other legal process requirements, such as to satisfy requirements to disclose PII in response to lawful requests by public authorities, including to meet national security or law enforcement requirements.

Period of Storage

Your PII will only be stored for the period necessary for you to carry out the activities specified above. Data will be destroyed, erased, or pseudo/anonymised from or in our systems when it is no longer required for the purpose(s) it was collected.

Cross-Border Processing